Hello Friends and Fans!
Beginning April 2019 if you are on our newsletter list you were notified by postcard instead of a newsletter of our upcoming event in your area. As you know, the price of postage went up January 27th from 50 to 55 cents for mail up to one ounce. While bulk mail may be less expensive, it’s also less reliable so sending newsletters in envelopes by that method is ineffective. There are no guarantees on delivery dates and lead time to ensure delivery is at least four weeks in advance. We tried bulk once with disastrous results, so it is not an option. To ensure timely delivery we have always used first-class postage.
While we have reduced costs related to mailings as much as possible, it’s still expensive to send first class mail. As a result, we’ve opted for less costly first-class postcards to let you know we are coming your way. This allows us to continue to keep the prices of our inventory as low as possible and pass the savings on to you. An unintended positive side effect is that it will reduce paper consumption :). For those of you who prefer our traditional newsletter with information on all the great things coming your way, you will have the option to visit our website and download the newsletter for your area. This will also allow you print as many copies as you wish to share with others. Know that we always appreciate your help in getting the word out!
If you are on our E-newsletter list you will continue to receive our condensed newsletter via email with a link for downloading the full newsletter.
Thank you for understanding and for your support – we appreciate you!