Purchase During Event Qualifies for Entry to a Very Special Gift Drawing*

Because our travel is impacted due to Covid-19, we are featuring a huge selection of items in a virtual gallery on our Facebook Live sales events. Now is a perfect time to find that unique holiday gift! Be sure to like and follow our Facebook page for notices of Live Events: www.facebook.com/americanaindianshows.
To shop a live event, be sure you are on the current live broadcast by looking for the red box in the upper left-hand corner of the video that says “LIVE” (in white letters). If you don’t see that you are watching a posted video of a prior event.
Sign up for our e-newsletter to also receive notices of live events. Your privacy is important to us and we will never sell or share your info with others.
Happy Shopping!
*Purchase during live event or from pics posted on Facebook afterwards qualify for entry to a very special gift drawing (with paid invoice). Drawing to be held on FB Sunday, November 29, 3pm AZ time. Click here for details!